There are different kinds of visa that you will get for UK. And one such visa is also known as UK partner visa. It can also be called as UK marriage visa. It is a kind of a settlement visa which has been introduced by the government which allows a married person to live with their spouse in the UK. It is for up to 30 months. You can also get an extension of the UK partner visa for another 30 months, but there are certain eligibility conditions that you should have to qualify for the visa extension. You can also become eligible for indefinite leave to remain (ILR) and also get a citizenship in UK, but the first step that you have to follow is getting a partner visa.
Eligibility for UK Spouse Visa -
To be eligible for UK spouse visa, the first requirement is that you should be married or you should show that you are in a civil partnership with your spouse who should be have a citizenship of UK. Your spouse can also be a settled person in UK or the spouse can also be a UK refugee. There are certain criteria that you should fulfill which comprises of showing a proof that you are in an authentic relationship and you will also have show precise financial conditions and go through a medical test etc.
Refusal of UK Spouse Visa -
Many times people face refusal for a UK spouse visa & there can be many reasons for that like language test for good English that many people fail, also the income requirement, incorrect documents, etc. In such cases you can go for a UK spouse visa refusal appeal. You can approach the immigration tribunal and file an appeal within 28 days on the refusal of the UK spouse visa. Also, it is important that you present a strong appeal with proper grounds and justifications.
Demerits of the Immigration Tribunal -
One of the demerits of the immigration tribunal is that the appeals are decided within 6 months and in some cases it can also take long time. And it is a complete waste of time and money of the person appealing, in the first place. For instance, someone’s spouse is sick or on the deathbed, and the visa is refused due the grounds of precise financial conditions. So that person has to go through appeal procedures and wait for so long which is a mental agony in the first place.